Pleasanton, CA

Imaginarium A motocross rider wearing a white helmet and a black and white outfit sits on a dirt bike inside a caged enclosure.

Pleasanton, CA was recently ranked fourth on Livability’s list of Top 10 Places to Visit in the U.S in 2018… and we know why! This picturesque town has got a lot to offer! Just 45 miles east of San Francisco, Pleasanton boasts awesome year-round weather, tons of fun community events, a local fairgrounds, and beautiful outdoor recreational areas. It’s no wonder we made the list! Read below for why you should make Pleasanton your next vacation destination.

Don’t you hate planning a vacation for months only to have your trip rained on? Well, sunshine is pretty much guaranteed in Pleasanton, which makes us wonder if that’s how it got its name in the first place. The summers in this town aren’t too hot, and winters aren’t too cold; this town’s California climate is for the most part just right. Pleasanton’s parade is rarely rained on (literally)!